
Friday, May 7, 2010

Cruisin' thanxs to SU!

Hi Everyone
I know some of you have been asking for cruise pictures, so I thought I'd post a few today.  Serisously, going on vacation on somebody elses dime ROCKS! Thanks SU!  What a great incentive to work...and really not that hard either.  Did you know if you hold 1 workshop/week, chances are VERY high that you would earn the all expensed paid incentive trip on SU! as well!  Just think, spending 4 days of your month, working, if you can call it that, not only will you earn commision off your sales, but you will be earning points towards a FREE trip for TWO!  Have I peaked your intrest yet??  If not here are a few more tid bits.  Starting July 1 2010-June 30 2011, I will be working towards an April 2012 trip to DISNEY WORLD!!!  SU! has booked out the Disney's Boardwalk Resort for the earning demo's and their families!! Late night entrance to the park, all expenses paid, staying right in Disney!! I can't wait!!  Not to metion that once you are there, SU! spoils you ROTTEN!  On this trip, every night when we went to bed, we'd return to our cabin to find pillow presents waiting for us...yes us! They didn't leave out the hubbies!  Up top is a photo of the present for both of us, an awesome back pack for my hubs(we used it the whole time) and a cute clutch for me.  Later on in the week, one of my pillow presents was the matching purse! It is GORGEOUS!   I'll take a photo of it and post it later, the inside lining is of our new DSP Island Oasis from the summer mini.  I also was one of the lucky ones who won a FLIP Video camera; again decorated with Island Oasis pattern!

I would LOVE to have you earn this amazing vacation with me! Holiday's really do not get any better than this...FREE...SPOILED ROTTEN...GREAT FRIENDS...FREE! LOL!  I'm sure I had you at FREE right?  So what are you waiting for, sign up and become one of my Inked Stampers today and I will do everything I can to make sure YOU earn the trip too!

The top LO is one I made with MDS yesturday with the Twisted Sketches Challenge #48...but I thought I lost it!  So I re-did one last night....but then I found this one! LOL! I just saved it in a different file, silly me!  The picture is of Angela, Sean , Pritch and I after Zip Lining in Barbados.  It was AMAZING!!!  And hanging with Sean and Ang really made the trip for us! Ang is a demo from North Vancouver, and I love this chick to death!  She rocks and so does her hubs!  Again, this is another reason WHY you NEED to sign up and earn this trip, the friends you meet are just AWESOME! 
Thanks for stopping by, please remember comments are always welcome!  I love to hear from you,so if you stop by please say HI!  It's nice to know who is checking this blog out!


  1. Well your post has me pumped and ready to earn the 2012 trip to DISNEYWORLD!!!!! Wooohooo! :-)

  2. Should we tell them about the blind spot???????


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