
Monday, November 1, 2010

December Club Planner Sneak Peek

Hi Everyone
Sorry I'm been neglecting my Blog!  Tis the season of busy time!
 Now it's the first Monday of the month which means it is time for my Club Planner to be released.  Are you an SU! Demo and short on time like I am?  Let me make your life easier and plan YOUR Scrapbook Clubs for YOU!  Designs, Measurements and Directions all done for YOU in an easy to follow PDF with pictures for ONLY $3.50/month!  Now I do not show the whole project here on my blog, but a little snippet of it! And this months is too cute for words, YOU will love it! Promise! 
You do not have to be a SU! Demo to purchase, these are open for anybody, any where in the world!  For only $3.50 you will receive the pdf file with a 12x12 Layout on it and a matching Card!  If you are a Canadian Customer; you may order from my Online store 24/7 and when you order $50 pre tax and shipping you may choose a file for FREE!  Click HERE to see more Cub Planner and to purchase.

Click HERE to purchase the Club Planner.

 Thanks for stopping by
 If you like my style make sure you check my SU! Club and Class Planners on your right.

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