
Sunday, June 12, 2011

Store is OPEN!

Hi Everyone
The Store opening on Saturday was a great success! Thank you to everyone who helped out; Viv, Sandra and Brianne, I would have been lost with out you!  To all the girls behind the scenes as well for helping me set up: Melissa, Kari, Annette, Rachel, Candace, Sandra, Lance and Viv.  And thank you for those who came out, I REALY appreciate you making it out to my new little store!!!
For those of you there, you know that my computer system was not up and working yet, thank you for your patience with my "Flintstone Style Receipts!"  This week I will be working on getting the system up and running to allow for a smoother transaction at the till.  Plus I'm hoping to have some time to design some classes for you all.  I want to play with all the new products too!

PS The biggest thanks of all goes to my amazing husband who spent just as much time in my shop building it, painting it, helping me and cleaning it for my opening!  Not to mention the gorgeous cake he bought for my opening pictured above! What a guy!!!
I'm am a lucky girl to have such wonderful people in my life!



  1. Congrats on finally opening those doors!!!!! :-) Sorry I couldn't be there...

  2. Thought of you all day!!!! So glad it went well:) That Pritch is an awesome guy;)


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