
Thursday, December 22, 2011

12 Hour CROP!!!

HI All
Please RSVP for a FULL DAY CROP (adults only, just in case you need a break from you kiddo's) at The Inked Stamper! 12 hours of scrappin', chatting, eating, and laughing! All while your get your Christmas Layouts DONE! No interruption to get up and make your kids lunch...stop them from fighting...or begging them to leave you alone just long enough for finish ONE page! LOL! Come scrap in peace and bring in the New Year with your 2011 layouts complete!!
Price includes, muffins and coffee at 10am, lunch, snacks, dinner, PLUS door prizes, and challenges for only $50! If you CAN NOT make the full day, how about just the evening? $20, includes dinner too! 
Just a heads up, next day is my stock count..and I DO NOT want to be here all day, so can bet your bottom dollar, CROP ATTENDEES will be getting a SWEET deal on their purchases!

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