
Monday, January 30, 2012

Get Ready to CROP!

ARE YOU READY FOR A WEEKEND CROP? Friday February 24-Sunday Feb 26! 

  • Your OWN ROOM (bed, shower!), 
  • THE WHOLE  hotel all to ourselves (so scrapping in PJs is going to be encouraged!) 
  • FABULOUS AMAZING GOURMET Food! I'm talking Fettucini Alfredo for dinner; and waking up to fresh homemade Waffles and Strawberries! 
  • Goodie Basket and Door Prizes
  • PLUS $50 Store Credit to use before the crop!!! 
  • All for only $250+tax! 

Are you ready to here WHERE......FORT EDMONTON!!!! I only have space for:
 20 Ladies  17  13 12  8
 (filled 3 spots in less than 5 min)  for solo beds! If it fill ups and you want to bunk with your friend, that's your choice, but the price is the same. DO NOT WAIT, RSVP TODAY!Photobucket

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