
Saturday, October 13, 2012

It's Halloween time!

Hi All
Do you have a favourite picture of your kids that you just can't resist scraping it over and over? Well this is one of mine. My little guys were only 2 in this picture and this is one of my favourite memories of them.
This is a "classic" Graphic 45 layout, lots of paper piecing, distressing with crackle and glossy accents. And of course for me, lots of doodling!!! G45 makes it so easy to do mutli layered layouts, (which normally are not my style) but with G45, it's kind of a MUST! My tip, ALWAYS buy pattern paper in 2's! Yup 2 each of the same sheet so you can cut and layer the same images on top of each other! Taking that extra time cutting, will make your layout FABULOUS! And you can't get anything cheaper than an extra piece of paper to cut up and make your embellishment out of!

1 comment:

  1. So you don't just always buy in 2's because you have twins? ;)
    That's a great tip Dawn, I will try to remember that one! I really can't wait for our next trip to Edmonton (who knows when), I really want to spend some time in that store of yours! :)


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