
Monday, September 30, 2013

Take time to play everyday

Hi All! Well I've given myself a personal challenge to make something crafty everyday. Even if it's small; I need to make something homemade every day.  When you own a store...the store tends to take over, and I have to remind myself that this WAS my hobby! So, I'm going to do my best to remind myself just's MY HOBBY TOO!   
So here is my yesterday's crafty adventure, I decided to sketch. I always love looking at everyones art, and I find I'm so drawn to sketches of dolls/girls...which is probably why I LOVE playing with my Prima Girl stamps! But I wanted to make my OWN!  I took the online SheArt3 with Christy Tomlinson in January and leaned a lot, and gained confidence.  But then life got in the way...and I stopped.  Yesterday I hunted down my sketch book, and borrowed my son's good old HB, sharpener and eraser and just doodled.  

Find HER on my Instagram Account and Follow me for daily inspiration
I sketched this one with the help of a book I sell in the shop "Mixed Media Girls" with Suzi Blu  
She walks you though step by step how to draw folk art girls.  Currently out of stock but I can order one in for you, just let me know!

I think THIS style is the one I'm most attracted too! I love the big eyes! This is the best nose I've done! I so struggle with noses! Again, great tips for how to draw a good nose in the Suzi Blu book!  Super hard for me! LOL! Practice practice practice!


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