
Saturday, March 1, 2014

NEW Prima, Dyulusions and Dina! New Classes and announcements!

Hi All! 
We have been working like mad this week stocking the shelves with LOADS of NEW products...and next week LOADS more will be ADDED!  The Prima Mixed Media Girls have been selling like CRAZY!!!! So if you don't want to miss out, get down ASAP or phone to purchase! 

My online store is ALMOST ready, believe it or not, I'm working on an even a BIGGER deal right now that is prioritizing my time, there are just not enough hours in the day! BUT it is up and running for DINA WAKLEY CLASS REGISTRATIONS! CLICK the SHOP The Inked Stamper Tab at the top of the blog below my pinup girl!  Make sure you click on the CLASSES tab too! There are still a few spaces left in some of the card classes AND I'll be added more classes next week too! A NEW Designer will be doing a Journaling Font Class!!! Lorna's long awaited for Mini ALBUM will be announced too!  Courteney has some ideas cooking in her pretty little head, so expect some Prima and G45 classes up soon too!  As for me, I'll be adding a Hooting Mommy  and Me Class for March and a Mixed Media one....that I'll work on I hope this week!  So SAVE the DATE MARCH 26 will be the next Mixed Media with Dawn. No idea WHAT it's gonna be until I sit down and play! OH I'll be adding another Mixed Media Class to the schedule too, this one will be KID FRIENDLY 1 hour Mixed Media Class! Anyone welcome, so if you want to jump in with yours kids, no problem! Spots for that one will be $20/person, and I'll make sure nothing more then a basic kit will be required. 

(My stash of what I used on the layout)


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