
Sunday, August 8, 2010

32 Km! DONE!

Hi Everyone
Well my journey for the Weekend to end Woman's Cancers ended yesterday.  I am so proud of the Cloud 9 Walkers for raising $15,214 for cancer research!  Thank you to all who supported me, and my fellow walkers! It was a very powerful, and emotional day.  One of our walkers, Hillary,(she's on the end right in each photo) is a cancer survivor; 1 year cancer free to the day of the walk! So it was a very emotional day for her and we were all so proud to walk ever step of the journey with her!  She is a very strong women with a lovely family who supported her with encourage meant and love the whole walk.  Every time we turned a corner, there they were cheering her on!  It was soo sweet and always brought a tear to our eyes!  It was like they just knew when she was getting tired and boom, there they were cheering for her! Hillary walked every KM and I couldn't be prouder of her!
Again thanks for the support

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