
Saturday, August 14, 2010

Smooth Criminal: Twisted Sketches Scrapbook #62

Hi Everyone
Sorry about the lack of posts..and this one going up late.  My In-Laws are visiting from Australia at the moment, so I've been busy and will be till August 22, so posts will be thin!  I will make sure my Twisted Sketches posts get up though!!  This LO is for my FIRST Twisted Sketches Scrapbook DT assignment; sketch #62 and the twist is SMOOTH.  As soon as I saw the twist, the song Smooth Criminal popped into my head, then a second later, my dog Hunter did too!  So here is my LO! Hope you like it; all material is SU! except of the Thickers.  Click on the picture to make the LO bigger.
Have a great week end and thanks for stopping by

1 comment:

  1. what a funny LO Dawn! Love that you scrapped your dog as the smooth criminal ;)


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